Importance of the event manager in corporate event organization

Importance of the event manager in corporate event organization

Time and again we’ve been repeating the same mantra. We are being witness to an authentic revolution of the way in which brands communicate with their customers. And this article is not an exception. But before we break down the importance of the event manager in corporate event organization, let’s shed some light on this new context that has allowed this role to gain more and more weight.

The recent public health crisis, quite distant already in terms of restrictions on the activity, has produced a great budget shift in marketing, advertising, and event industry. Those resources traditionally used for the ATL communication (isn’t this term too old-fashioned yet?) have been reassigned to give response to the two antagonistic consequences of the global pandemic. We spend much more time online, but when we manage to escape from the digital environment, we appreciate much more face-to-face live interaction.

The great budget shift

So, who is the beneficiary? The first big winner is the programmatic advertising in social media. A vast and very interesting topic that we will discuss some other time, because just a few words are not enough. And secondly, the experiential marketing, and events particularly, have gained unusual weight.  

And the direct consequence of this situation is the emerging role the event manager, whose responsibilities have been getting a much clearer shape and definition. An event can no longer be managed by a random head of any department. An event now has its goals, its concept, its well-cared execution, and its dedicated team. In other words, and here we come to the heart of the matter, the role of the event manager has ceased to be purely logistic becoming more strategic with a strong organizational component, cause logistics, of course, keeps being crucial for delivering and excellent experience. So, what’s the importance of the event manager in corporate event organization? Let’s break it down.

Strategic approach

An event manager is responsible for aligning the event strategy with the brand’s overall communication goals, reinforcing those values and messages that would contribute to the desired brand positioning. The person in charge of the events must understand the importance of live communication and know how to build it effectively. Also, one the main goals of an event manager is to turn the success of an event into a measurable indicator by designing and applying appropriate KPI’s.  

But on top of this all, this role guarantees the continuity of the brand’s narrative when communicating with its audience. It makes it more consistent, and hence, more memorable.

Single desicion-making hub

This strategic approach we’ve just mentioned, on a more operational level, guarantees a global vision of the processes. The event manager becomes sort of a decision-making hub and a facilitator for all parties involved. And they are quite a few. Arranging fluent communication with suppliers is not an easy task. So, achieving that everybody know at any time whom exactly to address, brings enormous peace of mind and helps to avoid misunderstandings and working twice. In this sense, any production company cannot be but grateful and happy with the rise and consolidation of this role.

More efficient control

The same global vision of the processes enables a more thorough control at all the stages. From tender to production, from logistics to final execution and KPI’s. An event is, perhaps, the communication format most exposed to setbacks and contingencies of all types. That is why a role that distributes responsibilities and thoroughly controls the deadlines, and the quality of execution enormously helps to avoid the costs skyrocketing. Good estimation skills and appropriate solutions applied just in time, as simple as that.

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