Fluidra booth Piscine Global Europe 2022

The visual space was divided in a horizontal way to achieve the objective. In the upper section, a concept was developed to unite the pool finishes with sea waves and the logo. Dominating this space was an aerial display made with natural untreated pine sticks and reused from other projects. A metal frame was used in its execution in order to anchor-brace the truss whose goal was to assure the structure without visually interrupting it. The result was a lightweight diaphanous space.
The lower section was used for product displays, as well as the welcome area, meeting areas and storage. Here, the curved element continued to dominate the design which was significantly present in the curved display cases which were created to differentiate the welcome zone, bar and seating areas.
The entire stand was developed with sustainable criteria; recycled and reusable rewind carpet (100% polypropylene); PVC-free items were used for the printing and natural pine sticks were used which were able to be reused for other projects.
The carbon footprint created in the stand’s production was measured and compensated through a carbon credit purchasing platform.