Ideas for organizing an event for employees

Ideas for organizing an event for employees

The pandemic has dragged us all into a tense-tired state, making us feel uncertain of how the things will turn out and be unfolding from now on. The informational chaos has caused a great unrest not only on the physical, but to a larger extent, on the emotional level showcasing the fragility of our world. All this has threatened, among other things, the working environments, and the companies have turned redirecting the employees’ mood into a priority. In this situation, an event for employees becomes a fundamental tool for achieving a balanced and steady development of the company.

Here, we suggest you some ideas and actions to boost your workers’ emotional wealth and engagement and give a breath of fresh air to your company’s overall mood.

6 ideas for an event to connect with employees

Physical and Emotional Therapy

Mental health has emerged as one of the main concerns of this century. An event focused on improving a number of skills such as attention, stress management, concentration, relaxation, or memory can be a great option for achieving that much sought-after balance. Don’t forget to set aside some time for your employees to work on these skills with professionals.

Analogue day as an event for employees

All sorts of electronic devices, screens and everything related to the technology, despite being helpful, can also cause some trouble wearing us down physically, emotionally, and even mentally. An Analogue Day would be a good way of turning the technology down at least for some time. A nature-based or hand-made activity will help us remember what life can be like without being glued to the screen, as well as strengthen some forgotten relational skills.     

Podcast to Unleash Creativity

Creating a podcast is a great way of streamlining the creative potential and to encourage the willingness to share knowledge and experiences. A podcast production workshop will help people to release their creative potential while working on a specific topic. Shortlist a number of attractive topics and encourage conversation on them.

Multimedia Co-creation

And what if your employees were in charge of creating a video summary of your event? We have all gone through this time and again: thousands of inconsistent pictures and videos made from different devices that cannot be subject to a proper editing, let alone of any creative value. So, one of the ways of engaging your employees into a creative activity would be encouraging them to use an audio-video co-creation app so that everyone could contribute to the final result, sticking to some pre-defined guidelines. All the content will be stored on the cloud and can be easily edited into a high-quality collaborative video summary.

Storytelling on Youtube, TikTok or Instagram Stories

Encourage your employees’ most personal and fun point of view letting them be your ambassadors and influencers that generate and deliver content for your corporate social media during the company’s events. Spot the most active users of the key social media and let them be the core correspondents of your event so that they cover it in a fun, unique and personal manner.

This will boost their motivation and will surely help you get new leads.   


With all the Corporate Social Responsibility options and opportunities available you can shift your event’s focus towards the environment and social wellbeing. Promote events that will of support for local charities or communities. This will empower togetherness, teamwork, and mutual assistance.

Employees are the company’s most dear asset; they are its heart and brains. That is why thinking about the way they can wind down, learn and most of all enjoy themselves must be a key priority.


And no doubt, organizing an event is the best way to motivate them by giving their imagination and creativity an opportunity to go wild. 


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