III Sustainability Forum BBVA

For the third consecutive year, 4foreverything accompanied BBVA in the organization of this event, which was held in the auditorium of the BBVA City (Madrid). It was attended by such relevant figures as Juan Verde, advisor to the Biden administration on environmental issues, Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, former executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change or the CEO of Envision Lei Zhang.
In addition, we incorporated a sustainability plan that allowed Eventsost certification as a sustainable event, integrating measures such as these to minimize its environmental footprint: predominance of local products in catering and zero waste objective, hiring of external staff belonging to groups at risk of social exclusion, accreditations produced with environmentally friendly materials, priority to digital signage over printed signage, signage elements produced with PVC-free materials, and calculation and offsetting of the carbon footprint.
The event was attended in person by more than 400 guests and was broadcast in streaming through BBVA's official youtube channel, where it has already been viewed by more than 4,000 people.