5 successful corporate events in Spain

5 successful corporate events in Spain

As broad as the definition of an event is, broad is the range of criteria for measuring its effectiveness. Here we bring examples of 5 successful corporate events in Spain, from different categories, trying to showcase the great variety of event typologies, objectives, audiences, channels, and formats.

The Unstoppable Impulse by Cupra

No doubt, one of the main highlights of 2022 among corporate events in the car industry was the experience offered by Cupra. The brand chose the concept of "The Unstoppable Impulse" to present its revolutionary vision of the future and its models up to 2025. The event was held at the emblematic Terramar circuit (Sitges), where the brand had been launched in 2018, completely transforming its more than 20,000 sq m in the 3 months prior to the event and with only 36 days for construction works. And the additional hurdle was the fact that the circuit was completely abandoned and had no infrastructure whatsoever.

And the result was reallyspectacular. Among the three immersive areas offered to the public, "Prisma" definitely stood out. A rectangular structure covered with more than 1,200 sq.m. of mirrors. Inside, more than 4,200 visitors (including 450 media representatives and content creators from 44 countries) immersed themselves in the DNA of Cupra and its futuristic vision through projections and a test drive experience with 600 synchronized VR glasses.

Jameson's Tractor for Tom

An example of real-time marketing, a digital action turning into a successful live event. It all started as a Twitter joke when the Jameson social media team promised to give a tractor to Tom Rohde, an Andalusian farmer, or "field influencer" as he calls himself, very active on this platform, if the tweet got more than 10,000 likes. Needless to say, the 10,000 fell far short, because nothing is impossible on Twitter. Of course, such an impact shouted for something more than just a conventional and boring key handover at Jameson's offices...

That's why the marketing team decided to leverage the occasion and offer the residents of La Carlota, the farmer's hometown, and all Twitter followers who wanted to join the celebration, a very special event. A very village-like party, but at the same with an unmistakable Jameson touch. With local shops’ stalls, a branded bar, a stage with music, and even a wedding chapel. And, of course, with Tom and his tractor on the spotlight.

Professional Photography with Xiaomi

Sharing knowledge with consumers is becoming one of the best functioning relationship formats for the long term perspective. It is due mostly the growing technological complexity of the products and the great variety of options available. Therefore, workshops or masterclasses format become more popular and sophisticated.

And here is one example of success. Xiaomi arranged a series of workshops to prove that with some knowledge and a Xiaomi 11T Pro in hand, anyone user achieve a very professional result in photography.

Two invited professional photographers recorded the making of of their creative process. And based on these videos, two influencers with different profiles and audiences provided trainings to the general public. Besides, a photographic contest was launched on the brand's social media among the attendees, so that the winners could continue their training on this subject.

Fanta's Fantasmagoric Night

How to measure the event's success in a hyperconnected world? Are online reach and impact as relevant as a physical live experience? And while there are still more questions than answers around this topic, what is clear is that brands are heavily investing in digital events.

That’s the case with Fanta, that opted for a multichannel activation to celebrate the launch of its Halloween limited edition. The event consisted of a surprise experience for 4 streamers summoned to a haunted mansion. It was simultaneously broadcasted on 5 Twitch channels. AuronPlay, the second most popular Twitch streamer in the world hosted the experience. More than 400 sq m of the mansion were designed to reflect the worst phobias of the invited streamers (summing up more than 5.6 million followers). They were broadcasting live their experiences, while AuronPlay formulated the tasks and challenges they had to complete, submitted by the connected users. With no script and no rehearsals. And as a result, more than 8 million views have earned this event a place among the 5 successful corporate events in Spain.

The Beauty of the World by Cartier

The list of 5 successful corporate events in Spain would be imcomplete without a touch of style. Every year Cartier chooses a unique and different location to present its new collection of jewellery. And in 2022, Madrid became was put on the spotlight for more than 200 international media and over 1,000 of the brand's most select customers from all over the world, invited to this exclusive event.

The collection was presented in the iconic former headquarters of the British Embassy, of brutalist style and under reconstruction. It was redesigned and temporarily turned into a luxurious and unique venue for Cartier's exhibition. The space, created by Jaime Hayón, managed to find through soft lines, colors, textures, and lights a sweet point between the unmistakable Mediterranean essence and the spirit of Cartier, to uniquely showcase more than 600 pieces of jewellery. And also, to offer visitors a gastronomic and an immersive digital experience (The World of Cartier).

The rest of the actions took place at the Liria Palace, the Casino of Madrid, and the Plaza de Toros de Ventas.

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