Organising a corporate convention step by step

Organising a corporate convention step by step

Thinking of an event, we normally imagine brand activity focused on external audiences. However, internal events better known as corporate conventions or meetings have the same or even greater importance.

Corporate meetings usually gather all the company’s personnel and are scheduled at the end of a financial year or at the beginning of a new and important period. They are perfect for building motivation and team spirit.  

That is why it’s so important to know, what are the steps and key elements for organising this type of events.  

This article will help you to organize a corporate meeting step by step and meet its goals.


Choose the date well in advance

A corporate meeting usually has a great number of attendees. So, establishing a date well in advance is crucial for overall planification and for optimising logistics and accommodation costs.

It’s also important to avoid national and local bank holidays as well as long weekends to guarantee the attendance.


Pick the location strategically

Consider a number of criteria when choosing the city. If the attendees travel from different corners of the country, choose a location closest to the midpoint. That will reduce the logistics costs and stimulate attendance.

Make sure the chosen city can provide the necessary equipment and varied leisure activities.


Go conceptual

Regardless of the nature of your meeting, whether it’s the presentation of results, pure leisure, or a mixture of both, design it under an umbrella, idea, or concept. It will help you to better arrange the agenda and the activities around it, as well as to create a consistent visual identity.

The concept can be related to a key message you want to convey and make people to remember over time.  


Work on a detailed agenda

It should include both an official corporate part and more laidback leisure activities. Leisure time is fundamental as it allows people to interact in a relaxed environment.   

It’s also important not to overburden the agenda with too many activities so that the attendees could enjoy some spare time.

It could also be a great idea to combine activities that involve all the attendees with more segmented group interactions that encourage closer bonds.


Carefully pick the speakers

Combine internal and external speakers. The variety of tones and presenting styles, from official to relaxed, makes the events much more dynamic and motivational.  


Work on the content

Experiment with formats avoiding boring presentations. The messages are much better received and perceived when slideshows are dynamic and eye-catching. Even though the information you present might be dense, it doesn’t mean you have to present it in a dense manner. Actually, the way you present can positively influence the comprehension. Introducing gamification elements and allowing feedback increases the audience engagement and largely improves the tempo.


Pay attention to decoration and styling

Not only is important to convey messages through concept and presentations, but also through decoration and atmosphere. The visual and communication consistency enhances the event identity in the eyes of the attendees. 


Measure the success

After months of preparations, it’s important to measure the response to your event. So, it’s fundamental to gather feedback on the agenda, content, or speakers in order to make improvements for the following years. Prepare and launch a survey to assess all these aspects.   

There is no magic formula to guarantee the success of a corporate event. But if you take into consideration the above-mentioned steps, you at least will be able to control the main elements and ensure a seamless event preparation.

We can help you with your next convention

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