Institutional events: how to organize them

Institutional events: how to organize them


Institutional events require exceptional ability in their organization. It is a type of event attended by representatives of different public and private institutions and even celebrities. That is why it’s organization must be meticulous and very well defined in terms of protocol, communication, synchronization, and minimization of unforeseen events.

Factors to consider when organizing institutional events

Due to the particularity of their attendees and the objective of their development, institutional events must take into account a series of factors for their correct execution. Here are some of them:


The date

The date of an institutional event is not something that should be chosen randomly. It is very important to choose a strategic date, especially one that does not coincide with other institutional events, since these could reduce attendance.


The protocol

In institutional events it is essential to consider the application of an adequate protocol. The protocols govern institutional and official life and prevent sensitive situations from occurring with attendees. For an institutional event to work, it must be organized with the same action criteria. Therefore, the establishment of protocols is essential.

The protocol must always be adapted to the particular institution that calls the event, as well as the type of guests. The team that works on the organization of an institutional event must be coordinated with the protocol team of that institution, whose actions will be different from any other, to avoid misunderstandings.


The timing

Continuing with what was said above, we can say that institutional events are characterized by their formality. This, in turn, means that the timing must be adjusted to perfection.

In this sense, it is essential to define the times of each activity to be carried out, especially preventing "dead time" that can bore the attendees and encourage their withdrawal. Also, if the activities last longer than expected or develop quickly, they may be generating stress. For this reason, it is very important, during planning, to take care that each of the acts or activities has the appropriate duration and rhythm.



One of the most important points in any event is logistics. Especially in the organization of institutional events, logistics must be very well controlled, especially regarding the transfer of guests. It is important to foresee the existence of a designated coordination team that can specialize in this matter to guarantee transport, the reception of guests at the different points of influx (airports, stations) or the welcome at the hotels, among other things.


The creativity

We have already said before that institutional events are characterized by being highly formal. However, that does not mean that there is no space for creativity. To keep the guests in full attention and to leave a good memory in each one of them, it is very important to allow originality and give rise to exclusive experiences, that have not been seen in other events. Protocol and creativity can perfectly go hand in hand.



Due to the characteristics of this type of event, the organization of institutional events necessarily requires good planning. Therefore, it is essential to build a program that all members of the organization are aware of. There, the different phases and moments of the event can be specified, indicating what actions must be taken in each case, what aspects must be controlled, among other things. In addition, the quality indicators considered by the company for the event must be included there to keep a good control of compliance.



Another important aspect in the organization of institutional events is security. It is about taking actions that seek to guarantee the safety of all the people who are part of the event, especially in the cases of people of high social rank or celebrities, who tend to be the most exposed.


The quality

We have already mentioned quality before. Both during the planning and throughout the event, it is important that all the teams control that the different instances are developed responding to the expected quality.


The catering

Catering is a very important aspect in any institutional event. When choosing it, it is very important to take into consideration the particularities of the guests.

It must be borne in mind that institutional events are events that people from different parts of the world usually attend. For this reason, something that works and that can generate a feeling of satisfaction in these attendees is having considered their origin when choosing the gastronomic proposal, being able to have different options adapted to the culture of each one. In addition, it is essential to have suitable options for the possible intolerances of the guests.



Considering the particularities of those attending institutional events, it is very important to ensure their privacy. The best way to do this is to avoid broadcasting images or information both about the event itself and about the attendees if they are not completely consented to by them.


The details

Finally, it is the details that make the difference in the organization of institutional events. They are the ones that allow a good first impression, this being the key to the success of an event. From the decoration of the space to the diversity in the catering; from the welcomes in the hotels to the adaptation to the different physical needs of the attendees, all these details will be well received by the guests and will help to promote an excellent memory of the occasion.

Keeping these aspects in mind when organizing an institutional event will help ensure that the results are as expected and build a better relationship between the company and its stakeholders.

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