Tips for choosing the best agency to organize your event

Tips for choosing the best agency to organize your event

More and more companies, knowing the strategic importance of events, do not take risks and demand the services of a professional agency for their realization. There are a wide variety of companies on the market, but not all are the same, nor do they offer the same type of services. That is why we bring you these tips to find the best agency to organize your event.

Choosing the most appropriate agency for your events depends on many factors, especially the type of actions you are going to carry out and the type of service you are going to demand.

To be sure that we are going to hire the services of the most suitable company for our objectives, we are going to show you a series of keys through which it will be easier for you to choose the best option.

Keys to choosing an agency to organize your event

Good agencies go down in the mud and are “streetwise”

Good ideas are useless if they do not have a viable realization. "We sell the idea and then see how to do it" is no longer an acceptable approach for a professional agency. A good company in the sector will not ask you anything that you have not thought about how to carry out before. So, if you see a presentation that is too “up”, conceptually, it is not a good sign. Make sure that the agency you have has the production part controlled and does not subcontract it: you will ensure quality and speed. Of course, if you have doubts about what they are proposing, ask.

Key on hand

Make sure that the chosen agency can control from the beginning to the end of the event. To do this, look at their team and that they have profiles that can cover the entire process of an event: graphic designers, 3D, creative, production department, logistics department ... Events have a thousand elements to control, and it is necessary to have a company that can give an answer in all aspects.

Look for it in the networks

Investigate the presence of the agency in the networks. LinkedIn is a good way to get to know the more professional side of the agency, find out what jobs it does, how often, for which sectors ... But don't lose sight of the more personal side that Instagram or Facebook can give you. See how it interacts with its audience and how it talks about its jobs and people. Looking for the opinions of other clients you can be sure that it really is the company you are looking for. Remember, not all opinions are positive, especially since the competition can put them to harm the company. For that reason, you must go by the average to see if it really is a good option. The more you analyse the company in all its public dimensions, the easier it will be to know if it really is what you are looking for or not.

Trust your own experience as a consumer

Find out which agency has done that event that you have visited and that you liked so much. A simple thing like this can be a great success. Search in the specialized media of the sector to know the work of the most inspiring agencies and, if you can ask an attendee's opinion about an event that has caught your attention, do not miss the opportunity

Horizontal connections always better than a vertical hierarchy

Power has been desecrated and vertical hierarchies have lost their validity. An environment in which employees’ function with total freedom as responsible for their areas rather than reporting to a "supreme" decision maker is a sign that in the process there will be no bottlenecks or funnels and that there is a great spirit of freedom and creativity. The events created under this type of organization will surely surprise you.

Look for companies that carry out all kinds of events

Hiring a company that can undertake from an event to participation with a stand at a fair or carrying out a Street marketing action is a competitive advantage, since the unification in these different areas will allow you to have a coherent and equal image in all your events. The experience that the agency has in the different types of events is one of the keys that will allow the event to go perfectly.

Companies that have a team of professionals in different areas are also a guarantee that your event runs smoothly. The different profiles will ensure that all parts of your event are controlled.

Look for calm

When we look for a company that meets all the above parameters, we can be sure that we will be able to rest easy. If the event is already stressing you out, you should always bet on professional companies. So, you can focus on what interests you and the professionals in the preparation of the event.


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